Etant un instrument à lame, le facteur le plus important pour un ciseau est la précision  : sans cela, la valeur et la fonctionnalité sont perdues.
Les ciseaux de la ligne Premax sont étudiés pour offrir un très haut niveau de précision et il faut prêter un soin méticuleux et offrir un bon entretien pour avoir des prestations, une qualité et un fonctionnement qui durent dans le temps.

En outre, une mauvaise utilisation peut gravement abimer le ciseau. Notre expérience nous montre que la quasi totalité des mauvais fonctionnements sont dûs à un mauvais entretien.

Dans cette section, vous trouverez de nombreux conseils et suggestions pour un soin et un entretien corrects de vos ciseaux.

Aiguisage correct

Un aiguisage soigné et précis (pour maintenir le soi-disant “fil coupant”) est le secret d'un bon fonctionnement du ciseau. Une utilisation fréquente peut en effet amener à une efficacité réduite.

Un mauvais entretien du ciseau est la cause principale de la perte prématurée de l'aiguisage et, par conséquent, de la précision de la coupe.

Un aiguisage mal fait abime le ciseau. Nous vous conseillons donc de le confier à des professionnels du secteur.

How often do you need to sharpen the scissors?

There is no precise answer to this question: the frequency of scissors sharpening depends on many factors.

In many cases, a bad performance can simply depend on an insufficient closing tension between the two blades of the scissors: in this case it is sufficient to regulate the tensiometric screw, to obtain a more precise and sharp cutting.

We want to remind that Premax has recently developed and patented the Ring Lock system, an innovative assembly method  for scissors and cutting tools, which definitively eliminates the problem of the screw loosening and the consequent malfunctioning of the blades.

The quality of the steel used to produce the scissors is an excellent indicator of their performances: the higher the quality of the steel is, the more durable the sharpening will be.

Specifically, for hairstyling scissors, it is recommended to sharpen them every 500 hair cutting. Either when the hair, during the cutting, bends, either when it is pulled toward the point of the scissors.

The sharpening frequency can also depend on the following factors:

  • Accidental drop of the scissors
  • Presence of a cut on the cutting edge
  • Non frequent control of the scissors tension
  • Leaving the scissors in a drawer where there are other scissors or items in iron, risking the damage of the edge.

Here we have some false myths on the scissors sharpening

  • It is false that the scissors can be sharpened only two or three times
  • It Is false that the scissors can be sharpened thanks to the simple usage: the self-sharpening of one blade on the other is a myth to dispel
  • It is false that the scissors lose its original characterstics by sharpening

We also remind that the sharpening of a traditional pair of scissors is due to many steps of working, made in different parts of the tool, which we can list as:

  • Reinstatement of the cavity and of the internal part of the scissors blade
  • Reinstatement of the correct scissors balance
  • Reinstatement of the “bisello”, that is to say the very cutting part of the scissors

Keep in a safe and dry place

After usage, always remember to put your scissors in a safe and dry place: the package you have received is perfect to guarantee an adequate cleaning and safety.

You can also use other kind of containers, provided that there is no risk for the scissors to fall down, compromising so the functioning of the various mechanical parts, especially the pointed ones, which could bend or damage themselves.

Cleaning and lubrication

The scissors are a work tool which are always in contact with dust, hair, chemical substances, organic remains and dirt in general.

Only an accurate cleaning of the blades and their edges guarantees a long life and secure hygiene to your scissors.
Only a regular cleaning and lubrication of the scissors will protect them from the danger of rust and chemical deterioration, caused by contact with humidity and bacteria.

In the long term, using a dirty scissors, uncured or damaged, accelerates the process of blades and edge deterioration, will oblige you to substitute them with a new pair.

Our experience demonstrates that most of the cases of bad functioning of the scissors is due to an incorrect care and maintenance.

In order to maintain the mechanism of closing perfectly efficient, we recommend a frequent lubrication of the zone of intersection between the internal parts of the blades. In case of hardening of the tool, it is sufficient to pass the point of the fingers, soaked in oil, on the two internal parts, and on the edge of the blades. In this way the scissors will present again its original movement, soft and fluid.

10 little big secrets to take care of your scissors:

  • Control the tension of the fastener at least once per day
  • After each use, clean it with a soft towel, without fluff
  • After cleaning, dry it perfectly and put it in its container
  • For professional use, we recommend to use high quality disinfectants and/or sterilizing products
  • Lubricate once a week the two internal parts of the blades in the zone of intersection
  • Keep it closed when not using it
  • Do not use it for other purposes: scissors are not screwdrivers!
  • Avoid the contact of the blades with colouring liquids or corrosive substances.
  • Never force the cutting if you have the impression of excessive resistance
  • Keep it away from children

Scissors are a washable tool, this does not mean that they are not subject to corrosion from acids or liquids with acid base, for this reason aggressive. We suggest to wash and clean the scissors under running water, after every immersion in those liquids, and to dry them with an hair-drier, especially for the parts that you can close and superimpose.

If those procedures are not respected, there is the chance that some superficial rust comes out, in case you do not wash it or in case there is some acid remains inside the instrument, the rust can compromise the use and functionality of the scissors.

Finally, we remind you that the scissors produced with stainless steel present the advantage of containing a low percentage of nickel, considerably reducing the risks of usage for those who are allergic to it.